0: Rocky Linux origins and formation of The Team 1: https://wiki.rockylinux.org/en/team/development/build_steps Build steps overview, and Meet the players: the pieces of the build infrastructure, what they do, links, etc. 2: (maybe 1a): encapsulation: rpmbuild -> mock -> koji -> distrobuild 3: Where's the Source? How source is imported, and where does it come from? (upstream branches, tagging, etc.) (Tarballs / shasums) 4: Package hidden dependencies, and complications with dependencies 5: Triggering a build, types of builds, where you can view them and koji tagging strategy: https://wiki.rockylinux.org/en/team/release-engineering/koji-tagging-strategy 6: Modules, and why they're hard (MBS, YAML, etc.) 7: Minimal markdown: http://markdown.pioul.fr/