Name (first):
Name (last):
Your NC State E-mail Address:
Please list any extra equipment you will bring below. Things like a network hub/router, network cables, XBox controllers, etc. Remember that the more equipment we have, the easier the event will be to manage, and everyone will have more time to game. Be sure to label your equipment. Also, if there are any other games you will be bringing that are not listed above, please include them below.
2. Action will be taken against virus-infected computers. Please install the proper anti-virus software and scan your PC before coming.
3. You must bring the items that you signed up to bring.
4. Excessively loud or obnoxious conduct will result in the offender being asked to leave. There is also a ban on alcholic beverages, tobacco products, and anything illegal during the event.
I agree to abide by the above rules at the event.